





Global R&D Center

Fosun Pharma connects with global excellent scientific talents, lead-edge technologies, and high-value products through diversified and multi-level cooperation modes such as independent research and development, cooperative development, license-in, and in-depth incubation. By means of the integrated management of innovative R&D projects by the Global R&D Center, the company enriches its innovative product pipeline, improves the research and clinical development capabilities of FIC and BIC new drugs, and accelerates the R&D and launch of innovative technologies and products.

  • 58.85
    R&D investment in 2022 (RMB 100 million)
  • 3,600
    R&D personnel
  • 9.5%
    Proportion in Group staff
  • 1,900+
    Personnel with master's degree or above

24-hour Ongoing R&D Globally

The R&D and innovation in Fosun Pharma are full of vitality. Governing and leading Fosun Pharma's innovation strategy and layout, Global R&D Center assists in the construction of technological platforms, promotes global clinical development and registration, and spares no efforts to promote the innovation of new drugs. The Center operates each technological platform independently, and actively promotes the exploration and research at the pre-clinical stage as well as external cooperation.
Currently owning the diverse pipelines with a suitable gradient for its R&D, which can be used to solve unmet needs, Fosun Pharma will actively and decisively expand the layout of R&D pipelines, and speed up the innovation in R&D with the greatest efforts so as to benefit more patients.
  • Independent Research and Development

  • Collaborative Development

  • License-in

  • In-depth Incubation

Innovation is the significant responsibility for the sustainable development of pharmaceutical enterprise

We have established efficient international R&D teams in China, the United States, India and other countries

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